Murphy et al. (2019) – Age, Geochemistry and Origin of the Ardara Appinite Plutons, Northwest Donegal, Ireland

Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_1 – Photo of hornblende grains analyzed in INK-004 and GLE-004, appinite suite rocks, Ardara, Donegal, Ireland
Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_2 – a–d Representative images of hornblende analyzed in appinite sample INK-004, Ardara, Donegal, Ireland.
Geoscience_Canada_V46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_3 – a–h Representative images of hornblendes analyzed in appinite sample GLE-004, Ardara, Donegal, Ireland
Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_4 – Microprobe data of analyzed hornblende in appinite sample INK-004, Ardara, Donegal, Ireland.
Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_5 – Microprobe data of analyzed hornblende in appinite sample GLE-004, Ardara, Donegal, Ireland
Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_6 – 40Ar/39Ar data for appinite samples INK-004 (a) and GLE-004 (b), Ardara, Donegal, Ireland
Geoscience_Canada_V.46#1_Murphy_etal._2019_SF_7 – Major, trace and rare-earth element data for mafic rocks of the appinite suite and coeval lamprophyres peripheral to the Ardara pluton, Donegal, Ireland