The Canadian Sedimentology Research Group (CSRG) is a division of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC). The main objective of the CSRG is to foster and promote the research and study of sedimentary geology in Canada. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Award the Middleton Medal every 2 years;
- Publish a newsletter;
- Organize and/or sponsor symposia and special sessions related to sedimentology at Annual Meetings of the GAC;
- Organize and sponsor field trips at conferences and other events, and;
- Provide subsidies to students who participate to conference field trips having an emphasis on sedimentary geology.
Full voting membership in CSRG is open to any person with an interest in sedimentary geology who is a member in good standing of the GAC, and who has paid the Division membership fee.
The CSRG is pleased to offer financial assistance to students wishing to participate to a conference field trip with a strong focus on sedimentology (preferably those associated to GAC’s meetings). Contact the Chair or Vice-Chair with the following information:
Applicants should submit a short application including:
1. a brief cover letter explaining how you would benefit from attending the field trip
2. your abstract for the conference
3. a résumé (2 pages max)
4. a short budget outlining your costs and other funding sources that you have access to or have applied for
Other rules to consider:
. You must be a CSRG student member in order to apply (Membership is free!)
. You can only apply for one trip at a time
. The amount of money awarded to each student will depend on the trip’s registration fee, but will not exceed $500.
To learn more about Middleton Medal click here.
Chair (interim): Janok Bhattacharya (McMaster University)
Vice-Chair: vacant
Secretary/Treasurer: Robert Sharp (Consultant)
Past Chair: Martin Ross (University of Waterloo)
Newsletter Editor: Martin Ross
Regional councillors:
Eastern Canada: Galen Halverson (McGill University)
Western and Central Canada: Brian Pratt (University of Saskatchewan)
To view copies of the newsletters click on the links below:
Contact Us
Martin Ross (Chair):
University website: https://uwaterloo.ca/earth-environmental-sciences/people-profiles/martin-ross
Email: maross@uwaterloo.ca
Janok Bhattacharya (Vice Chair):
University website: https://www.science.mcmaster.ca/geo/component/comprofiler/userprofile/bhattaj.html
Email: bhattaj@mcmaster.ca