Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 5: 17th Canadian Paleontology Conference
Edited by Duncan McIlroyISBN: 978-1-897095-29-4
ISSN: 1708-5217
Regular: $24
Members: $13.2
Members: $77.67
ISBN: 978-0-919216-80-8
This 834-page book is an integrated collection of 42 papers reporting the results of the Sullivan Project, a collaborative effort involving the Geological Survey of Canada, Cominco Ltd. and the British Columbia Geological Survery. The Project documents the geological characteristics of the Sullivan Deposit, particularly its geological setting, before the Sullivan mine closed. Also included with the volume is a CD that contains all the data (mainly geochemical) in digital format that was generated or compiled during the Project. The book is published by the Mineral Deposits Division of the GAC in partnership with the Geological Survey of Canada.
Geological Association of Canada. Mineral Deposits Division
Hardcover – 834 pages, 30 pages colour illustrations (2000)
Regular: $24
Members: $13.2
Regular: $80
Members: $44
Regular: $66.42
Members: $36.53