Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 2: Canadian Paleontology Conference 2004
Edited by M. Best and J.-B. CaronISBN: 978-0-919216-99-0
ISSN: 1708-5217
Regular: $18
Members: $9.9
Members: $13.2
ISSN: 1183-028X
This volume presents the proceedings of the 11th Canadian Paleontology Conference (CPC-2001) at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. The volume is a departure from previous numbers in that presenters were encouraged to submit short papers or extended abstracts of up to four pages in length, including figures. Topics in this set of 26 papers includes paleoecology studies at Mistaken Point and on the Burgess Shale, conodonts and neodymium isotope ratios, Fransian-Famennian extinction, and exceptionally well-preserved Silurian conodont apparatuses, Ordovician and Silurian laggerst?_tte in Ontario.
Geological Association of Canada. Paleontology Division
Softcover – 68 pages (2001)
Regular: $18
Members: $9.9
Regular: $
Regular: $18
Members: $9.9