Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 31: International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion – Proceedings 12/14/2011 Paul A Johnston and Kimberley J. Johnston, editors ISBN: 978-1-897095-59-1 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $204.55 Members: $112.50
Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 29: The Crinoidea of Anticosti Island, Québec (Late Ordovician to Early Silurian) 03/01/2010 William I. Ausich and P. Copper ISBN: 978-897095-48-5 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $94.00 Members: $52.00
Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 17: Late Ordovician and Early Silurian strophomenid brachiopods of Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada. Keith Dewing ISBN: 0-919216-71-4 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $27.00 Members: $15.00