Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 28: Early and Middle Devonian Phacopidae (Trilobita) of southern Morocco.
R. C. McKellar and B.D.E ChattertonISBN: 978-1-8970905-37-9
ISSN: 0821-7556
Regular: $94.00
Members: $52.00
Members: $52.00
ISBN: 0-919216-93-5
ISSN: 0821-7556
This work is a revision of previous work, and a modern synthesis of the systematics of all Silurian trilobites from Anticosti Island. Almost all of these trilobites are of Llandovery age, but a few rare forms may be early Wenlock. The work summarizes their stratigraphic distributions, and examines their utility in local and regional Silurian biostratigraphy. Fifty species are described and illustrated from Lower Silurian strata of the island, including thirty-two new species. Several species are represented by insufficient material to name new taxa, and so are treated as informal new species. A small number of previously named species are placed in synonymy with senior synonyms. One new genus is proposed. Six new biostratigraphic units (equivalent to zones) are suggested for this interval. Six biofacies are recognized, and used in interpreting the paleoecology of the strata. The environments of deposition of these biofacies and their relationships to previously described Silurian trilobite biofacies and faunal assemblages are discussed.
Joint Committee on Paleontological Monographs
Softcover 264 pp., 85 pls. (2004)
Regular: $94.00
Members: $52.00
Regular: $94.00
Members: $52.00
Regular: $127.28
Members: $70.00