Canadian Paleontology Conference Field Trip Guidebook No. 7: Orodovician and Silurian Rocks and Fossils of the Southern Georgian Bay Area, Ontario
D. Rudkin, C. Stott, D.K. Tetreault and C. RancourtISSN: 1183-0298
Regular: $20
Members: $11
Members: $27.14
ISBN: 978-0-86491-243-5
The Ore Mineral Atlas contains a listing of the optical and physical properties of 53 common ore minerals. Each listing gives associated mineral information, formational environments and distinguishing characteristics. Additionally, there are four colour plates for most minerals exhibiting their common characteristics in hand specimen and under the microscope.
Updated for its second edition in 2012.
Geological Assocaition of Canada. Mineral Deposits Division
Softcover – 122 pages (2012)
Regular: $20
Members: $11
Regular: $24
Members: $13.2
Regular: $81.81
Members: $45