Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 1: Short Papers and Abstracts From the Canadian Paleontology Conference 2003
Edited by M. Caldwell and B.D.E. ChattertonISBN: 978-0-919216-91-4
ISSN: 1708-5217
Regular: $18
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Members: $38.50
ISBN: 978-1-897095-99-7
A guide for field methods, descriptions, data collection and logging to improve your understanding of geology, mineralization and alteration in the search for porphyry and epithermal deposits.
Learn how to identify and describe important features of porphyry and epithermal deposits. Topics emphasize making field observations, including identification of minerals and habits (textures and/or modes of occurrence), that aid in the concise description and recording of geology, alteration and ore mineralization.
This guide is for:
– geologists and experienced prospectors wanting to upgrade and/or learn new exploration field skills,
– exploration managers looking to train groups of field geologists to a higher level of expertise in exploration methodology and consistent data collection,
– geologists and managers needing advanced and consistent coordination and efficient field exploration and
– executives or investors involved in exploration ventures who need an overview of how best to conduct and enhance field exploration.
Colin Godwin brings a lifetime of field experience to a new generation of geologists.
Regular: $18
Members: $9.9
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Regular: $24
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