Special Paper 45: Paleozoic Evolution and Metallogeny of Pericratonic Terranes at the Ancient Pacific Margin of North America
Maurice Colpron and JoAnne NelsonISBN: 1-897095-22-8
ISSN: 0072-1042
Regular: $111.00
Members: $61.05
Members: $74.25
ISBN: 978-1-897095-33-1
ISSN: 0072-1042
The coasts and oceans of the world are under increasing pressure from the effects of climate change and from multiple human impacts such as population increase, industrial development, fishing and transportation. Maps of habitat – in its simplest sense, where plants and animals live – are recognized as crucial knowledge that can be used for informed decision-making as we adapt to changing coastal and oceanic environments, and as we manage our use of this space.
This volume is an outgrowth of papers and posters presented at GeoHab conferences since the organization’s inception in 2001. GeoHab (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping; www.geohab.org) brings together scietists from around the world working on the development of thematic maps linking acoustic mapping and geological sampling to marine biology in a Geographical Information System environment to underpin sustainable ocean management. The thirty-five papers presented here cover a broad spectrum of habitat biological data in unprecidented quantities with unprecidented positional accuracy. These technologies are being adapted to innovate mapping techniques that provide that provide new views of seafloor habitat. At the same time, the effort to classify these habitats is ongoing, with a number of classification schemes developed. Mapping case studies from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans highlight the breadth of mapping activity around the world. Insight gained through habitat has enabled national governments to enact more informed marine policy.
The papers in this volume represent the latest results in the field of marine benthic habitat mapping, characterization and application. This volume is intended as a useful reference for mapping practitioners and as a supplement to students of marine habitat mapping.
Hardcover – 327 pages (2008)
Regular: $111.00
Members: $61.05
Regular: $176
Members: $96.8
Regular: $41.42
Members: $22.78