Special Paper 47: Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization
10/01/2008Edited by Brian J. Todd and H. Gary Greene
ISBN: 978-1-897095-33-1
ISSN: 0072-1042
Regular: $135
Members: $74.25
Members: $42
ISBN: 978-0-921294-60-3
ISSN: 0072-1042
This volume stems from a workshop given in 2016 at the annual Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada (GAC-MAC) meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon. The workshop was led by the British Columbia Geological Survey with support from the Yukon Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. It was designed to address a subject of importance to the mineral exploration community: the use of indicator minerals in the Canadian Cordillera.
History has shown that indicator minerals are an efficient and cost-effective exploration tool. Samples are now routinely collected for mineral separations during regional till surveys and commercial laboratories offer analytical packages that target specific minerals and deposit types.
This volume consists of a series of papers of importance to indicator minerals in the Canadian Cordillera. Topics include the glacial history of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, drift prospecting methods, the evolution of survey sampling strategies, new analytical methods, and recent advances in applying indicators minerals to mineral exploration. This volume fills a notable knowledge gap on the use of indicator minerals in the Canadian Cordillera. We hope that the volume serves as a user guide, encouraging the wider application of indicator minerals by the exploration community.
This volume is the first joint publication of the GAC and the MAC. It is a GAC Special Paper and the inaugural contribution to the MAC_??s new Topics in Mineral Sciences series, which replaces the MAC Short Course series.
Softcover – 250 pages (Jan 15, 2018)
Regular: $135
Members: $74.25
Regular: $104.56
Members: $57.51
Regular: $41.42
Members: $22.78