GCRS 8: Proud Heritage: People and Progress in Early Canadian Geoscience
Edited by R.W. MacqueenISBN: 978-0-919216-94-5
ISSN: 0821-381X
Regular: $75
Members: $41.25
Members: $55.00
ISBN: 978-1-897095-97-3
ISSN: 0821-381X
In this special issue of Geoscience Canada Reprints, we celebrate the remarkable career of Andrew Hynes, William E. Logan Professor in Geology, McGill University, with a series of papers by his former students, friends and colleagues. In harmony with Andrew’s incredible range of expertise and interests, these papers range from conceptual to theoretical to field-based, focus on tectonic processes ranging from Archean to Cenozoic in age, and include disciplines from mineralogy and petrology, to structural geology, tectonics, geochronology, geodynamics and geophysics. Collectively, these papers demonstrate the range of disciplines and approaches that are used in modern investigations into tectonic processes. Researchers interested in the range of tectonic processes that have shaped Earth’s evolution will find this a must-have volume that they would refer to repeatedly for examples and advice.
Softcover – 342 pages (Nov 2023)
Regular: $75
Members: $41.25
Regular: $75.00
Members: $41.25
Regular: $49.5
Members: $27.23