Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 20: Upper Wenlock (Silurian) graptolites of Arctic Canada: pre-extinction, lundgreni Biozone fauna.
Alfred C. Lenz and A. Kozlowska-DawidziukISBN: 0-919216-75-7
ISSN: 0821-7556
Regular: $27.00
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Members: $45.00
ISBN: 978-1-897095-92-8
ISSN: 0821-7556
Representatives of the family Cystiphyllidae are important components of the rugose coral faunas of Lower and Middle Devonian sequences in western Canada and eastern Australia, but, with a few exceptions, have received little detailed study. Taxa considered here are assigned to 14 genera, of which Ogmophylloides, Kluaphyllum, Tropalicystis and Variocystis are new. Among the 30 species described, new forms comprise Cystiphylloides calnanense, C. tetsaense, Ogmophylloides taylori, Nardophyllum cavanense, Kluaphyllum sulcatum, Microplasma fromense McLean and Wright, M. nabeschense, M. hedingeri, Cystiplasma curraense, Loboplasma sutchersense McLean and Wright, Digonophyllum clarkense, Lekanophyllum nordlingense, L. robbense, Variocystis caribouensis, and Agastophyllum parvum. One form from eastern Canada is also included, with the type material of the Lower Devonian Cayugaea whiteavesiana Lambe revised. In addition, thin sections of the type species of Zonophyllum, Pseudozonophyllum, Digonophyllum, Lekanophyllum, Atelophyllum, Dialytophyllum and Enteleiophyllum, from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel, Germany, are illustrated photographically for the first time. Stratigraphic framework for the studied taxa from western Canada and eastern Australia is reviewed, together with their biostratigraphic ranges derived from published and unpublished conodont data.
Joint Committee on Paleontological Monographs
Softcover 161 pp., 31 pls. (2021)
Regular: $27.00
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Regular: $94.00
Members: $52.00
Regular: $87.27
Members: $48.00