Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 27: Late Marjuman (Cambrian) linguliformean brachiopods from the Deadwood Formation of South Dakota. Sean P. Robson and B. R. Pratt ISBN: 978-1-897095-31-7 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $94.00 Members: $52.00
Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 21: Silicified Late Ordovician trilobites from the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada. Brenda R. Hunda, B. D. E. Chatterton and R. Ludvigsen ISBN: 0-919216-84-6 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $94.00 Members: $52.00
Palaeontographica Canadiana No. 35: Furongian (Upper Cambrian) trilobites from the McKay Group, Bull River Valley, southeastern BC, Canada Brian Chatterton and Stacey Gibb ISBN: 978-1-897095-79-9 ISSN: 0821-7556 Regular: $127.28 Members: $70.00