GeoText 3: Environmental Geology of Urban Areas
Edited by N. EylesISBN: 978-0-919216-58-7
ISSN: 1208-2260
Regular: $96
Members: $52.8
Members: $49.5
ISBN: 978-1-897095-11-9
ISSN: 1208-2260
This book compiles, synthesizes and distills the knowledge base from published and unpublished data and information from the extensive program of study of Canadian impact structures, the program’s partners and from other researchers. It represents a time-slice of integrated knowledge on Canadian impact structures, as it stands today. Detailed information is provided on each of: Brent, Carswell, Charlevoix, Clearwater, Couture, Deep Bay, Eagle Butte, Elbow, Gow, Haughton, Holleford, Ile Rouleau, La Moinerie, Manicouagan, Maple Creek, Mistastin, Montagnais, New Quebec, Nicholson, Pilot, Presqu’ile, Saint Martin, Slate Islands, Steen River, Sudbury, Viewfield, Wanapitei, and West Hawk.
Hardcover – 219 pages (2006)
Regular: $96
Members: $52.8
Regular: $100
Members: $55
Regular: $99
Members: $54.45