MDD SP 5: Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit Types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces & Exploration Methods
Edited by Wayne D. GoodfellowISBN: 978-1-897095-24-9
Regular: $120
Members: $66
Members: $9.9
ISBN: 978-0-919216-99-0
ISSN: 1708-5217
Short papers and abstracts from the Canadian Paleontology Conference 2004, Huntsman Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, September 23-26, Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings No. 2, 54 p. (soft cover, plasticoil-bound). ISSN 1708-5217, ISBN 0-919216-99-4.
This 54 page soft-covered volume presents the proceedings of the 14th Canadian Paleontology Conference (CPC-2004) held at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The one day symposium was followed by two days of field trips along the coast of New Brunswick. Since one of the field trips involved modern marine environments it was appropriate that several presentations were on processes in modern tropical to arctic marine environments. Other topics in this set of 30 abstracts and papers includes vertebrates in Alberta and Russia, dinosaurs in Nova Scotia, Ediacaran life, trilobites and other arthropods, ichnology, digital paleontology, and taphonomy.
Geological Association of Canada. Paleontology Division
Softcover – 54 pages, coil bound (2004)
Regular: $120
Members: $66
Regular: $24
Members: $13.2
Regular: $9
Members: $4.5