SCN 3: Coal Petrology: Its Principles, Methods and Applications
09/01/1985R.M. Bustin, A.R. Cameron, D.Z. Grieve and W.D. Kalkreuth
ISBN: 978-0-919216-28-0
Regular: $85.5
Members: $47.03
Members: $61.05
ISBN: 978-1-897095-26-3
This volume is a companion to a drift exploration short course conducted at the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) 2007 Meeting in Yellowknife. The short course was sponsored by the Mineral Deposits Division of the GAC with additional sponsorship from Overburden Drilling Management Limited, Apex Geoscience Limited and Shear Minerals Limited. The authors represent a wide range of specialties and possess many years of experience in their particular ??elds of interest. Federal and provincial geological surveys as well as academia and the exploration industry have all contributed to this volume.
Topics include:
– multiphase ice-flow and resultant dispersal trains
– ice-flow indicators and ice-flow mapping
– geochemical, mineralogical and lithological dispersal models
– sampling techniques in western Canada
– sampling techniques in northern Canada
– stream sediment sampling in the Canadian Cordillera
– stream sediment sampling in the Prairies
– Ni-Cu-PGE indicator minerals
– quality control in heavy mineral surveys
– gold exploration in permafrost terrain
– kimberlite dispersal trains in Nunavut
– discordant ice-flow dispersion using till geochemistry
– drift prospecting in the Prairies
– drift prospecting for uranium
– overview of indicator mineral methods
Geological Association of Canada Mineral Deposits Division
Softcover – 230 pages (May 2010)
Regular: $85.5
Members: $47.03
Regular: $85.5
Members: $47.03
Regular: $126
Members: $69.3