Logan Medal

Logan Medal

The highest award of the Geological Association of Canada is presented to an individual for sustained distinguished achievement in Canadian earth science.

2024 Logan Medalist

Dr. Sandra Barr (Acadia University)


“Awarded for Dr. Sandra Barr’s sustained excellence in research in the Northern Appalachian orogen, which has transformed our understanding of the Appalachian-Caledonide orogen and the way we apply plate tectonic principles to ancient orogenic belts.”

Dr. Sandra Barr is a Professor Emerita at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. She has fundamentally changed the way we view orogenic belts, particularly the Northern Appalachians. Her work is timeless because it is always grounded in meticulous field mapping, and seamlessly integrates analytical data from an incredible variety of scientific disciplines, from micropaleontology to geophysics. Dr. Barr is one of the most versatile scientists working in Earth sciences today and nobody knows Nova Scotia’s and the Atlantic Provinces’ geology better than she does. Her research has been fundamental to the study of the Appalachian-Caledonide orogen and has contributed immensely to our understanding of orogenic systems worldwide.


The deadline for National Medal nomination forms is January 5th, 2024


Previous Award Winners

2023       Sandra L. Kamo

2022       Brendan Murphy

2021       Kurt Konhauser

2020       Margot McMechan

2019       Cees van Staal

2018       Barbara Sherwood Lollar

2017       Roy Hyndman

2016       Brian Jones

2015       Richard Grieve

2014       Andrew Miall

2013       George Pemberton

2012       Robert Kerrich

2011       Anthony E. Williams-Jones

2010       Christopher Barnes

2009       Noel James

2008       James M. Franklin

2007       John Clague

2006       Claude Hillaire-Marcel

2005       Ron M. Clowes

2004       Stewart Blusson

2003       Fred Longstaffe

2002       James Monger

2001       S.E. Calvert

2000       H. Gabrielse

1999       R. G. Walker

1998       D.F. Sangster